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A Tribute to Fr Stan Swamy, SJ

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Life of the Christian calls for the exceptional living- St.Irenaeus

The community of Becchi Don Bosco gathered together to pay tribute to Fr. Stan Swamy on 26th July 2021. Fr. Stan as a word can be a synonym for patience, and endurance, because of the services to the vulnerable in society.

On 26th July 2021, the second year students organized this tribute. We started with a silent homage followed by a short prayer service.

Br. Justin SDB, Presented the life sketch of Fr. Stan Swamy, a Tribal Right Activist. Br. Thominic SDB elaborated about the Adivasi of Central India and their sole asset (land) and the problem faced over the decades by the people of Jharkhand. Br. Xavier SDB explained his work and mission for the Adivasis. The physical torments he faced and how he was martyred for living for the needy.

Fr. Stan Swamy lived his life to the full as a good friend and neighbor who disowned himself for the other. Fr. Stan Swamy was not only ready to give his life but died for his mission.

Fr. Bellarmine, Rector appreciated the second year's for their initiative and thanked Fr. Suresh for guiding them and made this day memorable. He exhorted the brothers to keep Fr. Stan Swamy as a model and imitate.

The program was ended with a hymn but a torch has been lit in the hearts of the people who participated by being physically present and online.

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